Hi, and welcome to my site! For the past 6 years I have been making a lucrative income using only my creative writing skills. Times are tough for many people these days and the economy is less than stable. For years I maintained a corporate job; steady pay and upward momentum was the name of the game. 11 years later I became as disposable as newly hired workers as our jobs found their way to other Countries, willing to participate for half my salary.

Unfortunately, like so many things today, a job is simply a job and loyalties are nearly non-existent. Because of this shift it has become essential for people to develop skills and utilize creative thinking to outlast, or outwit the competition. This is exactly why you see an influx in trades such as freelance photography, freelance writing, and creative problem solving. People are beginning to realize that the only way to stay ahead of the game is to remove yourself from the grind... and be your own boss.

I minored in creative writing in school, and while I never thought I would use the tools to make an income, its something I've always enjoyed doing. When I was terminated from my job I decided to put my skills to use and see if I could come up with a way to make an income. This lead to a full year of research and development to come up with a new way to make an income from writing. I succeeded. Today I enjoy an inomce of well over my corporate job, and the best part? I am doing exactly what I love to do, write. For 6 years I have been making a steady paycheck, well over the average for an american family, and there are no signs of slowing down, in fact often times I find myself turning down work simply because I require some leasure time! This is simple, fun work, but it is just that... work. Approach it as such and your rewards will be great.

Testimonial #1"I couldn't be happier with my decision. I love writing and always dreamed about doing it for a living, I took a chance and it paid off. Highly recommended for anyone interested in creative writing for a living. I'm making great money and the work is VERY consistent. Absolutely no complaints."